Num. | Title |
1 | GCFI: A High Accurate Compiler-based Fault Injection for Transient Hardware Faults |
2 | Combination of FMEA and Digital Twining for Rapid, Accurate, and Online Diagnosis in Vehicles Using COTS Embedded Computing Devices |
3 | Optimal flow metering and lane-changing control with ramp-metering saturation |
4 | A Model for Power-Performance Optimization in Fog-Cloud Environment by Task Off-Loading of IoT Applications |
5 | PEARL: Power and Delay-Aware Learning-based Routing Policy for IoT Applications |
6 | Software-based Control-Flow Error Detection with Hardware Performance Counters in ARM Processors |
7 | Static/Dynamic Analysis of Android Applications to Improve Energy-Efficiency |
8 | Protecting Security-Critical Real-Time Systems against Fault Attacks in Many-Core Platforms |
9 | Deploying Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Runtime Decision-Making in Autonomous Systems |
10 | On system models and schedulability analysis for basic single-rate cyclic executives |
11 | Conflict Resolution and Fluidization in Cyber-Physical Systems |
12 | Threats, Challenges and Requirements for Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network |
13 | Frequency Regulation of Multi Area Hybrid Source Power System with Energy Storage Devices |
14 | Security Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems with Redundant Components |
15 | Coverage and Energy Efficiency Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things |
16 | The Effect of Fog Offloading on the Energy Consumption of Computational Nodes |
17 | Energy- and Reliability-Aware Task Replication in Safety-Critical Embedded Systems |