Accepted Papers

Num. Title
1 GCFI: A High Accurate Compiler-based Fault Injection for Transient Hardware Faults
2 Combination of FMEA and Digital Twining for Rapid, Accurate, and Online Diagnosis in Vehicles Using COTS Embedded Computing Devices
3 Optimal flow metering and lane-changing control with ramp-metering saturation
4 A Model for Power-Performance Optimization in Fog-Cloud Environment by Task Off-Loading of IoT Applications
5 PEARL: Power and Delay-Aware Learning-based Routing Policy for IoT Applications
6 Software-based Control-Flow Error Detection with Hardware Performance Counters in ARM Processors
7 Static/Dynamic Analysis of Android Applications to Improve Energy-Efficiency
8 Protecting Security-Critical Real-Time Systems against Fault Attacks in Many-Core Platforms
9 Deploying Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Runtime Decision-Making in Autonomous Systems
10 On system models and schedulability analysis for basic single-rate cyclic executives
11 Conflict Resolution and Fluidization in ‎‎Cyber-Physical Systems
12 Threats, Challenges and Requirements for Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
13 Frequency Regulation of Multi Area Hybrid Source Power System with Energy Storage Devices
14 Security Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems with Redundant Components
15 Coverage and Energy Efficiency Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things
16 The Effect of Fog Offloading on the Energy Consumption of Computational Nodes
17 Energy- and Reliability-Aware Task Replication in Safety-Critical Embedded Systems